Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog Update (as of Sunday Oct. 13)

Dear Comrades,

Thank you to all who were able to get their blogs up and running and send me the links. I am still trying to get them organized and posted on the common blog. If you have not been able to get your blog address to me, make sure you send it ASAP.

I received a few e-mails from folks saying that the Literary Guillotine is having issues with the Ferlinghetti book. If you are having trouble getting a copy and have therefore not been able to post a response on your blog, fret not. Just make sure that when the copies of "San Francisco Poems" are available you draft a response and post it (the "deadline" for this assignment has been pushed back a little because of the book problems).

Also, if you e-mailed me this weekend with other questions or problems, I'm sorry I haven't responded to them yet--I trying hard to get things settled on the administrative/bureaucratic level and will get back to you ASAP.

Finally, I just want to remind everyone that it is required that you sign-in at each lecture. I know it's kinda crowded and hectic in the lecture hall, and it's sometimes hard to sign-in. So, from now on this is the sign-in policy:

On each side of the long table in from of classroom there will be a sign-in sheet. Please make sure you sign-in on one or the other. Also, there will be occasional reminders about assignments and other news at the top of the sign-in sheets. Make sure you take a look and see if there is anything important up there.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. See you on Tuesday.


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